The Technology Enhanced Learning Team is reaching out to all users of QMplus Hub, the university's e-portfolio tool based on Mahara, to hear about your experiences and innovative uses of the platform.
QMplus Hub logo
Whether you're incorporating e-portfolios into your teaching, using them for your own professional development, or exploring creative ways to leverage the tool, we want to hear from you!
We’re particularly interested in connecting with:
Teaching Innovators: If you are using QMplus Hub to enhance learning, engage students, or facilitate reflection and assessment, we’d love to learn more about your approach. Your insights can inspire others and help us identify best practices for e-portfolio integration.
E-Portfolio Enthusiasts: If you are passionate about the potential of e-portfolios in education, we’d like to hear about the benefits you’ve witnessed and how they’ve supported your students’ learning journey.
Creative Users: Are you using QMplus Hub in unique or unexpected ways? Perhaps you’re using it to track your own professional development, create portfolios for personal projects, or as part of a research initiative? Share your ideas with us.
Your feedback will help the TEL team understand how QMplus Hub is being used across the university, uncover new ways it can support teaching and learning, and guide future improvements to the tool.
If you're interested in sharing your experiences or discussing your use of QMplus Hub, please email Megan -