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Technology Enhanced Learning Team

2020 QMplus Updates

The QMplus Online Learning Environment was upgraded on Tuesday the 14th July 2020. Outstanding issues and bugs discovered since the upgrade will be fixed in the September Release.

The upgrade incorporates features of Moodle 3.7 and Moodle 3.8, some internal developments, an updated theme and bug fixes.

Moodle 3.7 and 3.8 updates


  • In-line responses
  • Private replies
  • Star and sort a discussion
  • Manual locking of discussion threads
  • In-page forum reply
  • Grade whole forums and other forum grading improvements
  • Easily export forum discussions
  • New forum summary reports
  • Forum due dates are added to the calendar
  • When Turnitin is selected for a forum, it can make use of due dates (previously this did not apply)


  • Mute conversations
  • Personal space for drafting messages
  • Teachers can delete group messages for the entire group
  • See-all-messages link for an overview


Teachers can:

  • Choose not to show the grader to students. 
  • Delete any assignment file submissions


First phase of H5P integration.

  • New button in Atto to add H5P content in anywhere from and external URLs
  • Implement backup and restore process for H5P content
  • Improved H5P Atto button to upload content
  • Create a new filter to convert and URLs to embed code

For more information check H5P new features

Usability improvements

  • Choices can be cleared for single-answer multiple-choice questions
  • Print output of books has been improved
  • Course backup and restore can be performed asynchronously
  • Ability to rotate pages when annotating PDFs in assignment feedback
  • Assignment settings form hides irrelevant options instead of disabling them
  • The student selection tool in the grading interface reflects the sorting order of the grading table


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