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Get to know the Queen Mary Biological Sciences Society

Laura Masiulionis is a Biology undergraduate and President of the Queen Mary Biological Sciences Society. We asked her to tell us more about what that involves.

Can you tell us about the Society? Who’s it for, and what does it do?

Our society was created as a platform those who are curious about biology, and who want to develop this passion by attending activities and making like-minded friends! We are associated with the Royal Biology Society, and therefore can offer a lot of insider news and events for our members, as well as regularly arranging meetings and discussion with professionals to boost future prospects. You can join us whenever, just come along to an event and introduce yourself!

What made you want to join?

I wanted to be a part of something bigger, and wanted to use the opportunity to widen my network and speak to professionals through events.

What’s been the most exciting thing you’ve done? Or a favourite memory?

I think so far meeting other like-minded individuals has been the most eye-opening and inspiring! We have attended many events together including talks, Natural History Museum late openings, and collaboration quizzes with other societies.

Has it helped you build new skills? Do you think these will benefit your future career?

I have gained a lot of confidence both speaking to the members as well as professionals, and was able to elaborate my ideas in a coherent manner, which is crucial as an aspiring researcher.

Finally, any advice for new students thinking of joining? What’s the main benefit?

Come to an event, give it a try! If it's not for you, we won’t make you stay  even though you are guaranteed to have fun with us, learn new things and explore the wide array of opportunities London has to offer.

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