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Get to know the Queen Mary BioMedics' Society

Kateryna Loievska, third-year BSc Biomedical Sciences student, is President of the Queen Mary BioMedics' Society. We sat down to learn more about the Society and how it works.

Can you tell us about BioMedics' Society? Who’s it for, and what does it do?

All Queen Mary students are able to join the BioMedics' Society. The majority of our members are science students. The core purposes of the society are:

  • to be well established and acknowledged for providing students with opportunities to excel in the field of biomedical sciences;
  • to provide students with adequate support for matters pertaining to their current course and also to widen their career scope;
  • establish a strong network of collaborators, sponsors, academic organisations and biomedical companies to provide students with valuable contacts and benefit society through student innovation and enterprise;
  • to build a supportive and beneficial community within the University; and
  • to allow for productive learning and development in a fun and conducive environment.

What made you want to join BioMedics' Society?

BioMedics' Society is the largest and one of the oldest student groups in School of Biological and Chemical Sciences of Queen Mary. The society attempts to increase its membership signups every year by engaging with external organizations, charities and other student groups. For this reason, the variation of events and engagements are available to the members from both the career and academic perspectives. Personally, I wanted to join after learning about the variety of events, and then later applied for committee position.

What’s been the most exciting thing you’ve done? Or a favourite memory?

Every event offered an unmissable experience with emphasis on the fact that only BioMedics' Society has the resources and visionaries to deliver such experiences. So far, one of the most engaging and academically helpful events was the organised talk on the essay structure for the upcoming examination period at that time. I believe many students found it similarly helpful, as the attendance for this lecture was outstandingly high. Overall, we made use of other means of advertisement to promote our events and were mindful of the potential assignment deadlines/ lecture times to allow for a larger turnout.

Has BioMedics' Society helped you build new skills? Is it helping your future career, do you think?

Being on the committee of BioMedics' Society allowed me to develop leadership, time management, and public speaking, communication skills greatly. During two years we have engaged with large amount of students in order to promote our events across campus, as well as with academics, organisations in the biomedical field and local and national charities that align with the charitable objectives of the society.

As a member I was given very similar opportunity to foster links with new people, starting from other SBCS students, finishing with well-known academics, doctors and members of staff of Queen Mary.

Finally, any advice for new students thinking of joining? What’s the main benefit?

As stated before, being a member of the BioMedics' Society allows students to develop great networking skills, and future connections in their chosen career field. In addition, science-related courses are always very heavy from the academic point of view, and the opportunity of joining BioMedics Society allows students to develop specific career-field knowledge, without heavy research of their own.

The society is student-led, with special focus on students. Therefore, we value any feedback and desired events by our members!

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