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It’s more than a gown

Hear from students and tutors at our 2019 graduation days as they reflect on the different ways their views were welcomed and valued, the space made for diversity and inclusion, the support they’re received throughout their learning experience, and how it all makes Queen Mary a truly special place.

We also sat down with one more of our students Alexandra Kneifel, to reflect on the journey at Queen Mary and plans for the future. 

First impressions

To be honest, I don’t think I appreciated Queen Mary enough in my first two years of university. The proximity of everything on campus, its location, transport links, the warmth of the staff and students and how efficient admin and other procedures really are. After my year abroad however, my eyes were opened and I was so relieved and excited to be back for my fourth year; it truly felt like a homecoming.

Best memory

My best memory is probably not choosing to queue up for Salsa Dancing at the Freshers’ Fair in second year. Not that there is anything wrong with Salsa, but the Archery table didn’t have a queue at the time, so I decided to chat to them instead. Two and a half years later I’m still surrounded by people I met in the first few sessions, and they are my most treasured relationships which I know will last for many years to come.

Biggest challenge

I think moving to London while my parents work halfway around the globe has been my biggest challenge. I have missed them immensely over the last four years as we share a very close bond and to not be able to come home and chat to them face-to-face about the day’s events has been tough. That’s why I’m thrilled and a bit emotional to have them fly in for my graduation so I can share Queen Mary and my last four years with them.

After graduation

I will be starting a MSc in Audiovisual Translation in September, which I’m very excited for. However in the meantime I’m working on the AMI project as a QMUL student ambassador, supporting students’ transition into university life and trying to make the beginning of their experience at Queen Mary as unforgettable as mine has been.


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