Bursaries and scholarships
You may be eligible for a bursary or scholarship from Queen Mary, University of London, depending on your circumstances.
Queen Mary Bursary
Queen Mary offers income-assessed bursaries to help students with the costs of studying. The bursary amounts and income thresholds and full details are explained on the Queen Mary Bursary and Grant Support page.
You do not need to repay this money. If you are eligible, the bursary will be paid in every year that you are liable to pay a tuition fee (although for medical and dental students this means only in the non-NHS funded years). It is paid to you in two instalments, one in November and one in March.
Those students who are only eligible for a Tuition Fee Loan (mainly some EU nationals) will not be eligible for a Queen Mary bursary. Please see the eligibility section of this page to see whether you could be eligible for a Maintenance Loan and thereby eligible for the Queen Mary Bursary (subject to the income assessment).
When you apply for Student Finance, your household income information will be passed to Queen Mary by Student Finance, unless you ask them not to. Queen Mary will then be able to assess your eligibility for a Bursary without you needing to make a separate application.
If you don’t want to take out a Maintenance Loan you will still need to get an SFE income assessment if you want to be assessed for the Queen Mary bursary. Write on the form that you are requesting a full income assessment for bursary purposes only and specify zero as the Maintenance Loan request amount.
The closing date to be considered for the Queen Mary bursary is 31 July each year. To be considered for the bursary, Student Finance England must have completed the income assessment by this date. However, the closing date to apply for any Student Finance England funding is earlier, at the end of May each year. Student Finance England may refuse any applications made after this date unless they accept that there is a good reason for applying late. So ensure you make an application for SFE funding before the end of May or you not be income assessed and may miss out on the Queen Mary Bursary.
For queries about the Queen Mary Bursary please check the webpage or email bursaries@qmul.ac.uk
Queen Mary provides a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to support students, depending on your circumstances and programme of study. Some are awarded automatically when your application to study at Queen Mary is being considered, others require you to make an application, and others are awarded at the end of an academic year by the heads of academic schools in recognition of academic ability. There is a scholarships search facility on the Queen Mary website.
Medical and Dental students electives
Queen Mary University of London offers a number of bursaries to help with the costs of electives.
Medical Students
Bursaries towards elective costs are administered by the School of Medicine and Dentistry. All students will receive email notification from the School about how and when to apply for an Elective Bursary. Bursaries range between approximately £250 and £750, with the average bursary being £500 but in exceptional circumstances this can be as high as £1000.
The level of the bursary awarded is based on financial need, how well your elective has been arranged (e.g. documentation from the host institution confirming the elective) and your contribution to the student body.
The Royal Medical benevolent Fund also publishes a list of trusts and charities which you may be able to apply to for elective funding. For more information about Elective Bursaries please contact Kate McFarlane, Student Office, Whitechapel campus.
Dental Students
Barts and the London Alumni Association (BATLAA) provide some limited funding to the Dental School for elective bursaries of up to £500. Travelling Scholarships are also available through independent authorities, organisations and charities. The staff contact at the Dental School for all queries about applying for elective funding is Dr Cassandra Lewis.
If you are considering doing an elective abroad, be aware that any financial help you receive may not cover all the additional costs you are likely to incur such as travel costs. University hardship funds will also generally not help with additional expenses incurred by choosing to undertake an elective abroad. Contact the Student Support Office if you need advice about financial planning for electives.