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Advice and Counselling Service
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Visas and international student advice

Immigration rules change frequently and can be complicated. There may also be other issues you have questions about in relation to living and studying in London.

International Student Advisers are here to provide advice and guidance to support current and prospective students, enabling you to focus on your studies and enjoy university life. See the topics below that we provide guidance on. Find out how we can support you and how to contact us.

International blog

Read our international blog for the most up-to-date news.

Read our international blog

Immigration advice podcast

Updated through the year with useful information and news.

Our podcast

Please use these pages as your source of visa information.

Do not take advice about any aspect of your immigration permission from your friends, from online forums or communities, or from anyone else who is not regulated to offer immigration advice. Following bad or misinformed advice from non-professionals can have serious consequences. 

International Student Advisers provide confidential and specialist support for all Queen Mary students, applicants and offer holders. We have specialist training to offer you professional advice on visa and other international student issues. Immigration rules change frequently, and advisers must attend regular training and development.  We are the only Queen Mary staff who are authorised to provide visa advice to international students.  

Our aim is to advise you about possible solutions and options relating to these issues, so that you can concentrate on your academic progress. Our advice to you will be based on your individual needs and priorities. This means that you control the process and we will not impose decisions on you. Our role is to explain your rights and any options and solutions available to you, and you can then choose what to do. 

 We will usually offer you advice and information about your rights and entitlements so that you can pursue options or achieve solutions yourself. However, sometimes you will need our help to achieve a solution. If this happens, we can advocate on your behalf, with your permission; for example contacting UK Visas and Immigration to challenge a decision. We can also contact other staff at Queen Mary on your behalf if you would like us to. If there is not a solution to your issue,  we will advise you about the implications of your situation and options that you might need to consider. 

 The advice we provide is based on the information you give us about your situation, so it is important to let us know all of the relevant facts so we can give you accurate advice. Please note that the UK immigration rules change frequently and without notice, so the advice we give is correct at the time but could be subject to change - if you are not using the advice immediately, you should check back with us nearer the time to see if it is still correct.  

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