About Us
The Cardiac and Cardiology Research Department is split over three sites of Barts Health NHS Trust
- St Bartholomew's Hospital in the City of London led by Prof Richard Schilling - Professor of Cardiology and Electrophysiology
- The London Chest Hospital in Bethnal Green led by Prof Anthony Mathur - Professor of Cardiology
- The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel
The Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Research team is based at St Bartholomew's and is headed by Prof Richard Schilling, who has a special interest in catheter ablation of complex arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation and arrhythmia in congenital heart disease. The Interventional Research team is based at London Chest Hospital and is headed by Prof Anthony Mathur. The Royal London does EP and Interventional Research for both teams he team at the Cardiology Research Department at St. Bartholomew's Hospital is made up of many different people:
- Coordinators who liaise with industry to obtain funding and arrange for the projects to meet the requirements of the Research Governance Framework and standards of Good Clinical Practice
- Nurses who recruit patients into the projects and support them throughout their treatment
- Doctors in medical school and consultant cardiologists who have initiated the research and who perform the procedures
We all work together to achieve our intentions to improve the quality of our patients care, and ultimately to improve their lives.
Reader in CardiologyLead of Arrhythmia research,
- Barts Health NHS Trust Council member
- Heart Rhythm UK Trustee Atrial Fibrillation Association Council member
- Arrhythmia Alliance Member of cardiac expert working group for NHS information centre
Richard Schilling established and leads the Arrhythmia research program at St Batholomew’s hospital. The department was one of the first centres to carry out randomised clinical trials investigating interventional treatment of cardiac arrhythmia and has developed and validated techniques for using novel technological applications like 3D image integration into cardiac mapping systems for the treatment of complex arrhythmia. These innovations have reduced radiation exposure and improved success rates for procedures that cure arrhythmia. A number of projects and collaborations are currently in development or underway: the first randomised trial or robotic guided ablation for atrial fibrillation; collaboration with the London Ambulance Service to investigate treatment and discharge of patients with benign arrhythmia by aramedics; with Prof Wen Wang to examine the role of wall stress in atrial fibrillation; with Prof Ken Suzuki to investigate the role of senescent markers in predicting sudden cardiac death; with Tim Harris (London lead for A+E research) to investigate the role of implantable loop recorders in arrhythmia diagnosis; with Dominic Abrams and the genome centre to investigate arrhythmogenic dysplasia.
Consultant Cardiologist Clinical Lead of Cardiac Electrophysiology Barts Health NHS Trust
Steering committee member of the CASTLE AF trial, a multinational trial evaluating the efficacy of catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure.
Principal Investigator of the PCA-VT trial, a multicentre trial comparing catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia and antiarrhythmic drugs to prevent shocks in patients with implantable defibrillators Co-investigator in several prospective randomised clinical trials evaluating novel catheter ablation strategies for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias with emphasis on the treatment of atrial fibrillation Other projects in development include an investigation of the mechanisms of sudden and unexpected death in patients with end stage renal failure and a study to investigate the clinical benefits of temporary biventricular pacing in high risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Consultant Cardiologist Barts Health NHS Trust
Arrhythmia Lead Cardiac Network Electrophysiology Training Director
Wide range of research interests; electrophysiological mechanisms of atrial fibrillation (AF), new technology for AF ablation, anticoagulation practice in electrophysiology, improvement of heart failure symptoms using implantable devices and remote follow up, obstructive sleep apnoea in AF. PI for 4-Site an industry sponsored study investigating efficacy of a new implantable defibrillator lead. Co-investigator in the numerous studies within the electrophysiology department; AF ablation studies (CAVERN, CAMTAF, Cryo, Robotic sheaths), investigation of AF mechanisms (CFAE), and implantable devices (TIBI-HF, OPT-CRT, SMART-AV)
Information to come
Information to come
Arrhythmia Research Nurse, St Bartholomew's Hospital.
Victoria Baker has worked in the Cardiology Research Department at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital since 2004. In that time I have been fortunate to be involved in several interesting research studies relating to heart rhythm disturbances. My role within the department includes developing, implementing and coordinating various arrhythmia research studies. I am responsible for patient recruitment and day to day management of clinical trials and studies, this includes patient assessment and data collection. I assist in data analysis and disseminate study results at national and international conferences.
Inherited Arrhythmia Research Nurse, St Bartholomew's Hospital
In the Inherited Arrhythmia Clinic we are recruiting patients diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy into the study which is running with Queen Mary University in collaboration with The Genome Centre and The Centre for Cutaneous Research at The institute of Cellular and Molecular Science. In the Inherited Arrhythmia Clinic, a broad range of patients are reviewed including; patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, long QT, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and a family history of sudden cardiac death.
To come
To come
To come
To come
Arrythmia Nurse Specialists
Arrythmia nurse specialists offer patients with heart rhythm problems support, advice and information. A Rapid Access Heart Rhythm Clinic was set up by the Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists for patients referred by their GP with symptoms that are thought to be due to an arrhythmia. All patients have an echocardiogram, ECG, blood tests and medical history taken and the findings are discussed with one of the consultants.
All inpatients are seen by a Nurse Specialist before they have electrophysiology procedures or device implantation to give them information regarding the procedure, care after discharge and what they may experience in the first few weeks or months. A telephone helpline (0203 465 6767) has also been set up and is run by the Arrhythmia Nurse Specialists so these patients are able to get support and advice and have questions answered once they are at home.