Pathobiology of Early (PEAC) and Established (PEsAC) Arthritis Cohorts
[NIHR CRN Portfolio Study ID: 5339]
Status: Open to recruitment.
The MRC funded Pathobiology of Early (PEAC) and Established (PEsAC) Arthritis Cohort was established through the contribution of a consortium of 5 independent, national centres of excellence, patient recruitment continues at Barts- the lead site. This project has created an extensively phenotyped cohort of early inflammatory arthritis patients with linked, detailed pathobiological data. In April 2021, the study was extended to also include patients with Established arthritis.
The development of a prospective arthritis cohort with high quality clinical and imaging data (state-of-the-art 3D/4D ultrasound-US / power-Doppler-PDU imaging) together with a comprehensive collection of biological samples (blood, urine and synovial tissue) is providing a unique resource to search for predictors of disease evolution as well as to enable early proof of concept/mechanistic studies with stratified entry according to the imaging and immunological profile. This cohort has provided an ideal platform for novel clinical trials.
PEAC/PEsAC Bio & Data-Resource Metrics
PEAC/PEsAC is a unique deeply phenotyped biomedical repository with current recruitment at 370 early arthritis patients (<than 12 months symptoms duration, DMARD naïve), unparalleled worldwide 2-time point US-guided synovial biopsies (time 0/baseline and 6 months) and matched serum/plasma, DNA, RNA, cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) linked to 3-monthly stringent clinical outcome measures including US synovitis & PDU score. Approximately 1800 visits have been performed, with 362 baselines and 287 follow-ups, synovial biopsies collected so far. Blood samples and urine have been collected for 616-time points.
Further information
Supported by NIHR Barts Biomedical Research Centre