AutoImmunity Research Advisors Group (AIRA)
The AutoImmunity Research Advisors Group (AIRA) is a patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) group launched by Dr Trinidad Montero-Melendez and her research team, working at the Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology (WHRI).
The AIRA Group is formed by members of the non-scientific community who wish to understand better how autoimmune diseases develop. Around 1 in 10 individuals may be affected by an autoimmune disease, causing a serious social, economic and personal burden in millions of individuals around the world. Furthermore, having an autoimmune disease makes you more likely to develop a second or third one. More research into autoimmune diseases is still needed to understand these links and to develop better medicines. The mission of AIRA is to involve those suffering from autoimmune diseases, to give them voice and the opportunity to have an impact on scientific research.
There are various ways a member of AIRA can contribute to our science, from providing suggestions for future research, by driving conversations or debates, or by helping write parts of research projects, among many other activities. We will also organise other activities including visits to our Research Facilities and the launching of a bi-monthly ‘AIRA Magazine’ to keep members updated on the latest research on autoimmune diseases.
If you are a patient or a member of the public with interest in this topic, please join AIRA using this registration form.
If you are a member of the scientific community at QMUL and would like to help us in the organization and delivery of AIRA activities or would like this group to get involved in your research, please contact Dr Trinidad Montero-Melendez at