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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Paul Charles Evans

Paul Charles

Dean for Research Impact and Professor of Vascular Metabolism

Centre: Microvascular Research

Twitter: @ProfPaulEvans


Professor Paul Evans is Professor of Vascular Metabolism at the William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London. 

After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Wales, Paul undertook training in molecular biology at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge before being appointed as a Senior Lecturer and then Reader at Imperial College London. He joined the University of Sheffield as Professor of Cardiovascular Science in 2011, and was recruited to QMUL in 2023.

Paul's research has been published in more than 130 papers, and he has won several prestigious awards - most notably the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Outstanding Achievement Award which is their highest award for scientific excellence. He is Chair-elect of the ESC Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science, working with more than 5000 cardiovascular scientists throughout Europe, and Vice Chair-elect of the Gordon Research Conference on Vascular Biomechanics scheduled for 2025.

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