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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Carles Gaston-Massuet


Reader in Developmental Genetics and Endocrinology

Centre: Endocrinology

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 2115


ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6793-3118

I graduated in Medical Sciences from Barcelona University with exchange programme at King’s College London University. I undertook my PhD studies in Developmental Molecular Biology in Professor Andrew Copp’s laboratory at University College London Institute of Child Health. My thesis work involved analyses of congenital birth defects of the central nervous system. I then joined the group Dr Martinez-Barbera to study congenital abnormalities of hypothalamic-pituitary axis development. In 2009, I was awarded a Research Fellowship from the National Institute of Health Research to specialise in the genetics of rare endocrine diseases in children, from paediatric tumours called adamantinomatous cranyoparhyngioma to the identification of genes that cause congenital forms of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction.

In February 2013, I was awarded an Early Career Fellowship through an open base competition to start my own independent research group at the Centre for Endocrinology within the William Harvey Research Institute at Queen Mary University London and Saint Bartholomew's Hospital. Since 2013 I have obtained external funding from several grant funding bodies and Research Councils, among others: Action Medical Research for Sick Children; Barts and The London Strategic Body, Barts Cancer Institute, Children with Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, The Rose-Tree Foundation, Marie-Curie WHRI-Co-Fund, the Society of Endocrinology, British Society for Neuroendocrinology, Joan Adams Fellowships. I was awarded the Fellow of Higher Education Academy of the UK (Distinction) from the Institute of Learning University of London and, promoted to my current position as Group Leader & Senior Lecturer in Genetics and Endocrinology.

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