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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Nikolas P Lemos

Nikolas P

Director, Cameron Forensic Medical Sciences & Professor of Forensic Medical Sciences

Centre: Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 2576
Twitter: @ProfNPLemos 


Professor Lemos is a chartered forensic scientist who started his career in the field for analytical and forensic toxicology researching drug analysis in fingernails and other biological specimens. Lemos worked as Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University where he helped develop a new undergraduate course in forensic science. In 2001, he moved to St George’s University of London to be Head of the Forensic Toxicology Service of its Analytical Unit where he supervised the provision of toxicologic services to HM Coroners, Home Office Pathologists and Police Forces and co-supervised the research of numerous medical and graduate students who trained in the Analytical Unit.

In 2003, he became Chief Forensic Toxicologist and Director of the Forensic Laboratory Division at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City and County of San Francisco in California, USA. Professor Lemos co-ordinated the efforts of forensic pathologists, toxicologists, investigators and scientists towards accreditations by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) and the American Board of Forensic Toxicologists (ABFT). He also spearheaded the design of the forensic laboratory spaces of the new Medical Examiner’s facility in San Francisco.

Lemos has academic affiliations in San Francisco, St Louis, and Athens. He is actively engaged in various national and international professional organizations and is a Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Scientists, Fellow of the American Board of Forensic Toxicologists, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. In 2018, Lemos was elected Chair of the Toxicology Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

Lemos consults and testifies in criminal and civil cases around the world. He has testified in over 325 cases and has offered opinions to assist the courts in response to subpoenas issued by both prosecutors as well as defence attorneys. He has organized and hosted numerous professional scientific meetings in the UK and USA including the 2011 Joint SOFT-TIAFT Meeting with over 1,500 participants from 60 countries.

He has co-authored over 85 peer-reviewed papers, abstracts, and book chapters including the first ever study of Cannabinoids in Fingernails (JAT, May 1999) and the first ever study of Cannabinoids in post mortem Toxicology (JAT, September 2011). He has previously served as Science Editor of Medicine, Science and the Law, the official journal of the British Academy of Forensic Sciences, and he is the holder of many scholarships, research and equipment grants and awards. In 2005 he was honoured with a Proclamation of Achievement by the 109th Congress of the United States of America “for dedicating his life and career to community safety and social awareness.”

Social Media

X: @ProfNPLemos 
Facebook: Prof Nikolas P Lemos 

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