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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Professor Carol Shoulders


Professor of Lipidology

Centre: Endocrinology

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 6240


Carol Shoulders graduated from the Open University in 1980 whilst working at the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge and was awarded a DPhil by Oxford University in 1983 for cloning the human apolipoprotein A1 gene. Her subsequent activities within the lipid biology field include identifying that mutations of the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein gene cause the devastating condition, Abetalipoproteinemia; and that the Abetalipoproteinemia gene-product belongs to the gene family which encodes the egg yolk protein, vitellogenin, and apolipoprotein B, the obligatory protein component of the major lipid carrying particles in the circulation. She also led the group which discovered the cause of the rare disorder Chylomicron Retention Disorder, and established that newly assembled chylomicrons, despite their very large size, utilize the COPII vesicular transport system to navigate their journey through the complex intracellular transport system of enterocytes. For 13 years, she served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Lipid Research.

Carol Shoulders joined the William Harvey Research Institute in 2009 to continue her genetic and mechanistic studies into the highly atherogenic, disorder Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia work begun at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, and to diversify into other areas of lipid biology, including, for example, the cell-specific function and mechanisms of actions of the pseudokinase Tribbles 1, implicated in multiple pathologies. She is the Scientific Lead for the TRIBBLES Research and Innovation Network (TRAIN) coordinated by her close colleague Professor Endre Kiss-Toth at Sheffield University. The program brings together a group of leading European scientists working at the interface of the control of energy homeostasis, metabolism and innate immunity to characterise the how the interaction between these physiological systems influences the development of prostate cancer. She is also the Lead for the BSc Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics Module (BMD377) Classic Papers and Current Topics in Pharmacology, as well as a committee member of the Heart-UK Research Board.

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