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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Patient and Public Involvement

The Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis (CCSPED) is a research centre based at Queen Mary University of London. At CCSPED patients and members of the public are at the heart of everything we do. Our research focuses on screening, prevention and early diagnosis of all different types of cancer.

As 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime, the ways that we prevent and detect cancer need to work for everyone. At CCSPED, we recognise and appreciate the diversity that exists in society and how this can impact on early detection cancer. We want our research to help as many people as possible, of all backgrounds. To achieve this, we involve patients and members of the public from all backgrounds in shaping our research. Find out more about patient and public involvement and what it looks like in CCSPED on the other pages of this website.

Patient and public involvement (PPI) means doing research with or by patients and members of the public, rather than to, about or for patients and members of the public.

Researchers know about different health conditions, and how to treat them, but most will not have lived through them. The benefits of research may also be different for people with different backgrounds or lived experiences. Including a wide variety of perspectives from patients and members of the public on the design and running of research fills the gaps in understanding and helps improve the quality and relevance of research.

Being involved in PPI is not the same as taking part in a research project as a participant. The table below outlines the differences:

Participant in a research project Patient and Public Involvement
  • Being interviewed 
  • Taking part in a focus group
  • Completing a survey
  • Taking part in a clinical trial of a new treatment 
  • Helping to decide on the interview questions
  • Helping to design surveys
  • Discussing how to encourage people to take part in studies
  • Taking part in group discussions
  • Reading and commenting on study documents e.g. Patient letters, patient information sheet

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