Centre Leads: Dr Anna De Simoni and Professor Jianhua Wu
Centre Manager: Charlotte Harding, c.harding@qmul.ac.uk
Centre Administrator: Viney Kumar, v.kumar@qmul.ac.uk
Transforming Primary Care through research, practice and education
The Centre for Primary Care encompasses the work of the Primary Care Unit and the Clinical Effectiveness Group.
- The Primary Care Unit brings together expert teams to carry out research into the environment, asthma and infection, multiple long-term conditions, and the complexity of everyday experience, healthcare interactions and working practices. Their works uses a wide range of methods including qualitative and mixed methods, natural experiments, modelling, intervention development and assessment, and research synthesis.
- The Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) uses primary care health data for research, with a particular interest in reducing health inequalities and improving population health. The unit provides analyses, clinical tools, guidance and expertise to NHS primary care teams across North East London and leads the Wellcome Trust PhD programme 'Health Data in Practice'. CEG is a founding member of the Discovery Data Service, which integrates data from GPs, hospitals and community settings in near real-time.