Developing world-leading research methods
The focus of this theme is to ensure we are developing and using methods relevant to the other four themes.
This theme leverages our expertise in developing and applying, research methods and methodologies including the following:
Including data wrangling, data curation, coding & metadata libraries, data linkage methods
Including causal inference, emulating clinical trials, time series analyses, measuring inequality and changes in inequality, cluster and multilevel methods, machine learning methods
Including living systematic reviews, realist reviews,
What works / Equity evidence centre, meta-ethnography, critical interpretive synthesis
Including digital health interventions, social media, on-line health communities, patient collected or reported outcomes and social network analysis
We share problems and teach on these methods through a range of courses and networks across WIPH and more widely, including:
Rohini Mathur | Ratna Sohanpal | Stephen Hibbs | Duncan Reynolds
Stephanie Taylor | Deborah Swinglehurst | Liz Steed | Anna De Simoni
Jianhua Wu | Lucie Hogger | Geogios Karampatakis | Natalia Concha
| Nina Fudge | Rebecca Muir | Werner Leber | Chenyi Gao