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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Centre for Public Health and Policy


A panoramic view of central London


Bridging research and action for healthier communities, locally and globally.


Centre Lead: Oyinlola Oyebode

Deputy Leads: Jon Kennedy and Matina Iliodromiti

Centre Manager: Claudia Wilke

Centre Administrator: Rory Henderson


The Centre for Public Health and Policy incorporates four units focusing on women’s health, global public health, the national diet, and individual health and lifestyle. 

Our rigorous research, inclusive education and interdisciplinary collaborations aim to influence public health policy and practice in our local East London community, nationally and globally. Our priority is to improve population health and reduce inequalities by developing, implementing and evaluating effective and equitable initiatives in women’s health, global health, the food environment and individual lifestyle.


  • OurWomen’s Health Research Unit explores what influences pregnancy outcomes, how reproductive indicators affect the health of women and their children, and interventions to improve reproductive outcomes and the health of women and their families. It also looks at ways to improve the quality of maternity services. A wide range of research methods are employed, including the use of routine data, clinical trials and evidence synthesis. 

  • The Global Public Health Unit's research and teaching is focused on understanding and acting on the social determinants of global health. It aims to be socially engaged and is rooted in a commitment to social justice​. The interdisciplinary team, which includes anthropology, medicine, sociology, political and international relations, epidemiology, economics, and public health, delivers large postgraduate teaching programmes. 

  • The Research and Action on Salt and Obesity Unit works nationally and internationally to develop, implement, and evaluate evidence-based public health policies to reduce salt, sugar, and saturated fat consumption across the whole population. This will prevent hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, heart failure and cancer, reduce health inequality, and improve hypertension treatment.

  • The Health and Lifestyle Research Unit focuses on health behaviours and their modification, particularly on understanding and treating tobacco dependence, and on helping people with obesity to manage their weight. The Unit is one of the leading smoking cessation research centres globally. Its work has informed the establishment of the UK’s Specialist Stop Smoking Services and influenced clinical practice guidelines internationally.



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