Misleading nutrition and health claims on baby and toddler snacks

To mark Sugar Awareness Week from 8-14 November, Action on Sugar (Centre for Public Health and Policy) has released new findings on baby and toddler snack products which feature misleading on-pack nutrition and health claims. In the audit of 73 products featuring healthy-sounding claims, 37% would receive a RED (high) label for sugars, despite recommendations that babies and toddlers should not be consuming any free sugars at all. Current legislation does not require baby and children’s foods and drink to display front of pack traffic light labelling. Misleading heath claims include ‘Packed with vitamins and minerals’ or ‘Made with real fruit’, despite the products containing added sugar, or fruit juice concentrates, which are free sugars and considered harmful to health. Action on Sugar are calling for the removal of misleading nutrition and health claims for these snacks, and for the Government to publish and mandate its long-awaited commercial baby food and drink guidelines.