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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

NIHR School for Primary Care Research

In April 2021 we joined eight other universities that excel in primary care research as part of the NIHR School for Primary Care Research (SPCR). The core research priorities for the renewed SPCR are organised around some of the challenges facing national and international primary care. They are organised into four broad themes: 

  •        Changing patterns of morbidity and mortality

  •        Challenges around new technologies

  •        Workforce and skill mix in primary care

  •        Globalisation, health and inequalities.  

A doctor talking to a patientThe renewed SPCR conducts research that responds to and meets the needs of local populations and local health and care systems, and which addresses the nation’s changing demographics and corresponding impact on disease burdens and service demands. Together, we aim to strengthen the sector, which encompasses general practice, community nursing, community pharmacies, and dental and optometry practices. 

NIHR research schools are national collaborations between leading academic centres that fund outstanding research in primary care, public health and social care. The member institutions share their expertise with non-member institutions, with a strong emphasis on engaging, collaborating and partnering with institutions beyond the school membership. 

A logo for the NIHR School for Primary Care Research

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