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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Abi Woodward, PhD


NIHR SPCR Post-doctoral Research Fellow



I am based in the Unit for Psychological Medicine in the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health.

I am a qualitative researcher with a PhD in Sociology. I am interested in how socioeconomic deprivation and health inequalities intersect and have experience of research with underserved populations and ethnic minority groups.

I have conducted research as a Principal Investigator funded by the NIHR School of Primary Care Research (SPCR) on the ‘Improving support for Pakistani family carers through social Prescribing’ project. I was awarded a NIHR SPCR Post-doctoral Fellowship which began in April 2024. The Fellowship project focuses on the co-production of a set of guidelines to support culturally relevant social prescribing opportunities for South Asian carers. I was the qualitative lead on a NIHR SPCR funded study focused on the self-management of multiple long-term conditions in those experiencing socioeconomic deprivation.

I have extensive experience of community engagement and have been awarded several grants to conduct small community engagement projects where I was the lead. I have supervised undergraduate and post-graduate students, and mentored and supervised an student placement through the In2Research programme.


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