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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Wiam Alashek, MBBCh MEd LBMSC PhD


Lecturer in Global Public Health

Centre: Centre for Public Health & Policy



Currently, I am a lecturer in global public health unit at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health. I lead the disease management policy and practice module and research methods module for MSc course, and I contribute to teaching epidemiology and statistics module. I have experience in teaching different global public health modules to undergraduates as well as postgraduates. I participate in student assessments and evaluation. I supervise students’ projects and IBSc and MSc dissertations. Additionally, I am an examiner for Barts School of Medicine.

I graduated from the School of Medicine and I have practised general surgery for years then I achieved the Degree of the Board for Medical Specialities in Community and Preventive Medicine. I am interested in Educational Psychology (MSA) and Strategic Direction and Leadership (Level 8, Chartered Management Institute). I completed my PhD in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham on 2013 and continued to work in academia since then.

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