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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Amina Bano


Stop Smoking Advisor



Currently, I work as a part of Quit Well Newham community service to provide tobacco cessation support throughout the borough.  Our Stop Smoking service is part of a larger umbrella service covering the three major boroughs in Northeast London and is a part of the Health and Lifestyle Research Unit at the Centre for the Public Health and Policy.

I am a former dentist transitioning into public health aiming to deliver evidence-based care and streamlining the hospital setting to community service pathways to ensure continuation of care. I have successfully developed and delivered training programs for the ‘Youth vaping and social welfare alliance,’ and “Smoking in pregnancy” which tackles the raising youth vaping in Newham and supports resistant pregnant smokers respectively. I enjoy supporting trainings and problem-based learning facilitations with the centre, also contributing to the strategizing and service delivery part of the project with an aim to make the borough smoke free by 2030. Since its inception Quit well Newham has contributed to reducing the smoking rates in the borough to 11% (currently) lower than the London average of 13%.


Research Interests:

  • Electronic cigarettes and their efficiency in tobacco cessation
  • Youth vaping and behavioural support techniques
  • Dental health and tobacco cessation


Bano AM, Babu KY. Comparison of inter-canine and intermolar width of the maxilla as an aid in gender determination: A preliminary study. Drug Invention Today. 2018 Nov 2;10(3):3149-52.

Amina M, Gayathri R, Priya VV. A detailed study on the function of neutrophils and macrophages in periodontitis. Drug Invention Today. 2018 Jun 1;10(6).

Bano AM, Vishnupriya V, Gayathri R. Nutritional awareness among Adolescents. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2016;9(7):898-902.

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