I am a PhD student at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health. My project involves the development of a long-term health economic evaluative framework of adult asthma for assessing asthma strategies in UK primary care.
I completed my MRes in 2021 as part of the Wellcome Trust funded Health Data in Practice PhD programme. My MRes dissertation was Health Economics focused and involved coding and modelling in R. In 2018 I received a BSc in Biomedical Science from the University of Warwick, where I began to appreciate the huge untapped potential of data in solving a variety of public health problems.
For my PhD project I aim to develop an evaluative framework for adult asthma that is able to track the long-term health outcomes, quality of life, and healthcare usage and costs (primary and secondary care) of individuals with asthma according to their disease severity status and sociodemographic characteristics. The framework should help to inform key healthcare decisions regarding the efficient management of asthma within UK primary care.
My supervisory team includes Professor Borislava Mihaylova, Dr Florian Tomini and Dr Anna De Simoni.
My MRes dissertation focused on hospital care use and costs associated with asthma and asthma severity.
Other research interests of mine include astrobiology and space medicine.