I am a PhD candidate at QMUL’s Global Public Health Unit. I combine the political economy of health and healthcare with economic geography and econometrics to understand the distribution and development of avoidable disparities in the organisation and financing of health systems, and in the provision of healthcare services.
I am the module lead for the Health Systems’ Policy and Performance module for the Online Master’s Program in Global Public Health and tutor for the in-house Health Systems’ Policy and Practice module.
Since 2021, I have been involved as a lecturer and coordinator for the Global Equity and Resilient Health Systems module at the University of Groningen.
I work jointly with the Italian Home Office and the Municipality of Rome for the delivery of academic and formative training to healthcare workers.
I occasionally collaborate with think thanks and research groups in Greece and in the Netherlands to deliver health systems’ evaluations and health policy reports.
I am an early-career board member of the International Association of Health Policy in Europe (IAHPE).
Research Interests:
My current research looks at the policy process of health systems’ decentralisation and investigates the empirical relationship between decentralisation of healthcare financing and regional inequities in access to healthcare.
Other research interests include:
- Health sector decentralisation
- Fiscal decentralisation
- Regionalism and health systems
- Health and healthcare inequalities and inequities
- Geographical disparities in health and healthcare
- Political economy of health
- Privatisation policies in the health sector
- Accessibility to healthcare services
- Covid-19 and access to healthcare services
- IMF health policies in the EU
Research methods:
- Statistical and econometric packages (Eviews, Stata, RStudio)
- Mapping (ArcGis packages)
- Longitudinal Studies (Panel data, Time Series, Cross-section analysis)
- Econometric analysis and forecasting (Difference in differences, ARDL, econometric convergence, cointegration and long-run equilibrium)
- Policy analysis (Nvivo package, thematic coding and analysis; content analysis, systematic review, political theory)
Featured publications
Rotulo A, Paraskevopoulou C, Kondilis E. The effects of health sector fiscal decentralisation on availability, accessibility, and utilisation of healthcare services: A panel data analysis – International Journal of Health Policy and Management – doi:34172/ijhpm.2021.163
Rotulo A, Kondilis E, Epstein M. Fiscal Federalism vs Fiscal Decentralisation in healthcare: A Conceptual Framework – Hyppokratia –
Russo G, Silva TJ, Gassasse Z, Filippon J, Rotulo A, Kondilis E. The impact of economic recession on health workers. Findings from a systematic review and best-fit framework synthesis of the evidence from the last fifty years – Health Policy and Planning; doi: 10.1093/heapol/czaa180
Kondilis E, Pantoularis I, Makridou E, Rotulo A, Seretis S, Benos A. Critical assessment of preparedness and policies addressing the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) pandemic: International and Greek experience – KEPY report 2020.2 -
Conference presentations
Rotulo A. Inequities and inequalities before and after COVID-19: an evaluation of Italian and international experiences – oral presentation at COVID-19 and Fragilities: The inequality virus against the PNRR, Rome, July 2021
Rotulo A, Kondilis E. What is Fiscal Decentralisation and how does it impact on health and healthcare inequities? A systematic review of evidence – oral presentation at International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) Conference Lille (France), July 2019
Rotulo A. Unpacking Federalism and Decentralisation in Health Care: A Narrative Review on Concepts – oral presentation at International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) Conference Pula (Croatia), September 2018
Rotulo A. Fragmentation of Healthcare Services: evidence of Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Decentralisation from the English, Italian, and Spanish NHS - oral presentation at International Association of Health Policy in Europe (IAHPE), September 2017