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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Jonathan Bestwick

Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, Centre for Preventive Neurology

Telephone: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7882 6283


I am a Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics in the Centre for Preventive Neurology in the Centre for Prevention, Detection and Diagnosis. I studied Mathematics and Statistics at Imperial College, London (1999-2002) and Medical Statistics at the University of Leicester (2002-2003). I joined QMUL in 2003 in what was then the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine. 

Much of my research has focused on medical screening and I have published extensively on antenatal screening for Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome and pre-eclampsia. I have also researched screening for familial hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease and been involved in the design and analysis of a number of clinical trials. My research now is based around neurodegenerative diseases with the main focus on the epidemiology and early identification of Parkinson’s disease. I have been involved in the PREDICT-PD study since its inception. 

Alongside my main research role, I am also the Undergraduate Teaching Lead for the Wolfson Institute, co-lead the Year 2 MBBS Human Science and Public Health module, and lead the Year 3 MBBS Public Health module. I am also on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Medical Screening, serving as the statistical advisor.  

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