Miss Sharandeep Bhogal

ACROBAT and CRESCENDO Trials Co-ordinator
Email: s.bhogal@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 6694
Sharan joined the Centre for Women’s Health in October 2019 and is responsible for the coordination of the ACROBAT (Administering CRyoprecipitate in Obstetric Bleeding at an earlier Time) and CRESCENDO (Creating a Clinical Prediction Model to Predict Surgical Success in Endometriosis) studies.
Sharan has worked in research for over 10 years within the NHS and academic environments, her experience includes working in clinical trials including CTIMPs and non-CTIMPs. She has a range of experience which encompasses a wide range of disease areas including mental health, haematology, haemophilia, oncology and women’s health.