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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Mr Cameron Appel


Research Associate in Healthy Equity



I work as a Research Associate at the Centre for Primary Care in the Wolfson Institute, Queen Mary University London. My research interests lie at the intersection of socio-economic and health inequalities, and I am interested in generating resources and insights that promote equitability. I am currently focussed on addressing health inequalities in England, by applying practice- and individual-level data analysis and machine learning techniques to a supply, need and demand model of healthcare.

I received my BA in Economics from Columbia University. I then worked as a Data Analyst at Our World in Data, an online scientific publication based at Oxford University, where I developed COVID-19 testing and vaccination datasets; I also collected data and produced visualisations on economic inequality across 25 countries over more than 100 years. I then completed my MSc in Health Data Analytics and Machine Learning at Imperial University.

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