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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Camilla Parker (née Selous)


NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow and Psychiatry Core Trainee



I am a clinical academic psychiatrist at the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health.

I studied medicine at the University of Cardiff where I obtained an Intercalated BSc in Psychological Medicine with First Class Honours and was awarded a Royal College of Psychiatrists Pathfinder Fellowship. After finishing my foundation years on the Academic Foundation Programme at Queen Mary University of London and Barts NHS Trust, I worked at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust before returning to East London to start my core psychiatry training and take up an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship.

My research uses big data and mixed methodologies to understand the impact adverse childhood experiences on mental health outcomes across the life course. Negative outcomes after childhood adversity are not inevitable and I am particularly interested in positive adaptation in spite of experiences of childhood adversity and identifying and harnessing psychosocial protective factors with the potential to alter negative developmental trajectories.

I am a keen educator and have taught on undergraduate medicine and psychology course at Queen Mary University of London. I pioneered an innovative training programme on Modern Slavery victim identification and safeguarding for healthcare professionals.

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