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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Christine Carter

PhD student and Research Associate

Email: Christine Carter


I joined the Unit for Psychological Medicine at the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health in February 2023 as a Research Associate to work on the Equality of Opportunity for Timely Dementia Diagnosis (EQUATED) project. This is a qualitative study exploring how older people from minority ethnic groups in East London experience the early symptoms of dementia and seek help. 

I am a registered mental health nurse and worked with older people in community and liaison roles. Previously I worked as a senior lecturer at the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester, and in nurse education at the University of West of England and at City University, London. I have a BSc in Health Studies, an MSc in Social Research and a Post Graduate Diploma in Adult Education.

I am currently completing an ESRC funded PhD at UCL in the Department of Psychiatry which is embedded within the APPLE-Tree study. I have explored how active ageing policy and practice reconfigure cognitive impairment, which is not dementia. I have undertaken an ethnographic study of this intervention and my research sits within a social science discipline, drawing upon medical sociology. I am interested in all types of qualitative research methods, and in particular different form of ethnography.

I have recently been successful in being awarded £20,000 from the NIHR Three Schools Dementia Programme for implementation work from the findings of the EQUATED project. This will involve a co-production workshop to produce a short film resource for health care professionals.

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