After completing a BSc degree in Statistics at University College London (2010-13), Claire completed a two-year National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) methods fellowship at the Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit (PCTU). As part of the fellowship Claire gained an MSc degree in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2013-14). Claire now works as a Statistician in the PCTU, within the Centre for Evaluation and Methods, where in addition to clinical trial work she has also been a statistical advisor for the Research Design Service (RDS) and involved in various methodology. More recently, Claire has begun developing methodology for Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUK CAR).
Research Groups:
Research Interests:
Claire’s research interests include both pilot and feasibility studies and cluster randomised trials. In particular, Claire is part of the group who produced papers on definitions of pilot and feasibility studies and the CONSORT extension for external pilot trials. She has been involved in leading several workshops on these topics, and is also an Associate Editor of the Pilot and Feasibility Studies Journal. Claire also co-organises the annual cluster meeting on Current Developments in Cluster Randomised Trials and Stepped Wedge Designs, and led the creation of two websites designed to support researchers in the design, analysis, and reporting of cluster randomised trials and pilot and feasibility studies.
Outstanding Publications:
Pilot and feasibility studies for pragmatic trials have unique considerations and areas of uncertainty
Tailored, psychological intervention for anxiety and/or depression in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), TANDEM (Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management in COPD): statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial
Quality of reporting of pilot and feasibility cluster randomised trials: a systematic review
Consort 2010 statement: extension to randomised pilot and feasibility trials
Defining Feasibility and Pilot Studies in Preparation for Randomised Controlled Trials: Development of a Conceptual Framework
Taylor SJC, Sohanpal R, Steed L et al. (2023). Tailored psychological intervention for anxiety or depression in COPD (TANDEM): a randomised controlled trial.
Chan CL, Taljaard M, Lancaster GA et al. (2021). Pilot and feasibility studies for pragmatic trials have unique considerations and areas of uncertainty.
Khan MIU, Mbuagbaw L, Holek M et al. (2021). Transparency of informed consent in pilot and feasibility studies is inadequate: a single-center quality assurance study.
Snell KIE, Allotey J, Smuk M et al. (2020). External validation of prognostic models predicting pre-eclampsia: individual participant data meta-analysis.
Chan CL, Smuk M, Sohanpal R et al. (2020). Tailored, psychological intervention for anxiety and/or depression in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), TANDEM (Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management in COPD): statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled trial.
Khan MI, Holek M, Bdair F et al. (2020). Assessing the transparency of informed consent in feasibility and pilot studies: a single-centre quality assurance study protocol.
Sohanpal R, Pinnock H, Steed L et al. (2020). Tailored, psychological intervention for anxiety or depression in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), TANDEM (Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management in COPD): protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Chan C (2019). A website for pilot and feasibility studies: Giving your research the best chance of success.
Hemming K, Carroll K, Thompson J et al. (2019). Quality of stepped-wedge trial reporting can be reliably assessed using an updated CONSORT: crowd-sourcing systematic review.
Townsend R, Khalil A, Premakumar Y et al. . Prediction of pre-eclampsia: Review of reviews.
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