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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Christophe Clesse, Ph.D, Msc, Bsc


Research Fellow (INTREPID Study)



I am a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, who currently work on the link between inflammation, depression and chronic kidney disease (INTREPID Study) in the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health.

Before taking up this position, I studied psychology at an undergraduate and postgraduate level in France. I worked as a clinical psychologist in a national psychiatric hospital and a dispensary for general population for 8 years. During this period, I also completed a PhD in clinical psychology (Psychological Impact of Episiotomy) at the University of Lorraine.

The research I am conducting today aims at exploring and isolating the role and prevalence of inflammation and depression in chronic kidney disease patients. To do that, I conduct analysis performed on big dataset such as UKbiobank cohort study and on clinical populations directly recruited from East London hospital units.

With my background, I appreciate creating connections between fields of psychology and disciplines, in order to promote better places allowing people to be themselves in a good psychological health.

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