Dr Evelien Lemmens, PhD

CEG Programme Manager
Centre: Centre for Primary Care
Email: e.c.g.lemmens@qmul.ac.uk
I am Programme Manager for the Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG), which uses information from routine electronic health records and biomedical databases across the life course to transform direct patient care and population health, reduce health inequalities, and provide actionable opportunities plan to improve health outcomes and medicines safety. I also facilitate PBL sessions for the first-year MBBS students.
I previously completed my PhD in History at QMUL, with my thesis 'Feeling Dyspeptic: Indigestion and Emotional Health in Britain (1780-1910)'. I taught on a range of undergraduate history modules on the histories of emotions, science and technology, gender, consumerism, Britain, and East London. I also convened the module 'Madness and Medicine in Modern Britain' and co-convened the compulsory first-year skills module 'History in Practice'. I remain interested in the history of emotions and illness, especially in the nineteenth-century relationship between digestive and emotional health, and Medical Humanities work more broadly.
I am on Twitter @Ev_Lemmens