Mr Mayeen Hoque, MBPsS, MSc, MRes
Health Data in Practice PhD Programme Student
I completed my BSc (Hons) in Psychology at Queen Mary University of London and went onto complete my MSc at King’s College London in Early Intervention in Psychosis. My interests lie in clinical psychology and improving health practice in relation to mental health. Before the Health Data in Practice programme, I worked as an honorary assistant psychologist at Brent Early Intervention Clinic as part of my MSc. It was through experiencing primary care settings and multiple research projects that I decided to opt for a research career.
I have completed my third degree, MRes Health Data in Practice as part of the Wellcome Trust funded programme at Queen Mary University of London, I am now undertaking my PhD. I aim to investigate mental health using visual eye-tracking methods. I also aim to develop a visual training programme that will be tested in a pilot feasibility study.