I am an academic clinician with an interest in women’s health, specifically obstetric haematology, clinical epidemiology, and trials. I teach therapeutics in pregnancy, research methods, and public health to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and supervise masters and PhD students.
Research Interests:
I completed my PhD in 2019 using a variety of statistical modelling techniques to understand the impact of maternal anaemia on health outcomes in high- and low-income countries. I continue to work with WHO, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the British Society of Haematology on clinical guidelines and policy related to maternal nutritional deficiencies, thrombosis and bleeding disorders.
I am a co-investigator on a variety of clinical trials, including studies on diabetes prevention in pregnancy (EMMY study), intrapartum haemorrhage management (ACROBAT study), and postnatal health optimisation (OMAHA study).
I am interested in facilitating patient and public involvement and exploring novel strategies to encourage coproduction research in women’s health.
Please click through to see a complete list of Jan’s publications.
Featured publications
Daru J, Zamora J, Fernández-Félix BM, et al. Risk of maternal mortality in women with severe anaemia during pregnancy and post partum: a multilevel analysis. Lancet Global Health. 2018 May 1;6(5):e548-54. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30078-0
Green L, Daru J, Gonzalez Carreras FJ, Lanz D, Pardo MC, Pérez T, Philip S, Tanqueray T, Khan KS. Early cryoprecipitate transfusion versus standard care in severe postpartum haemorrhage: a pilot cluster-randomised trial. Anaesthesia. 2022 Feb;77(2):175-184. doi: 10.1111/anae.15595. Epub 2021 Oct 20. PMID: 34671971.
Rogozinska E, Daru J et al. Iron preparations for women of reproductive age with iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy (FRIDA): a systematic review and network meta-analysis. The Lancet Haematology. 2021 Jul 1;8(7):e503-12.
Daru J, White K, Hunt BJ. COVID-19, thrombosis and pregnancy. Thrombosis Update. 2021 Dec 1;5:100077.
Daru J. Iron interventions in pregnancy and better clinical outcomes? The jury is out. Lancet Global Health. Dec 2019. DOI: