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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Professor Jo Waller


Professor of Cancer Behavioural Science



I joined the Centre for Cancer Prevention, Screening and Early Diagnosis in September 2023 after working for four years in the School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences at King’s College London, where I have kept a role as Visiting Professor. Prior to that, I spent 20 years in the departments of Epidemiology & Public Health and Behavioural Science & Health at UCL. With a background in health psychology (MSc and PhD from UCL), I lead a team of behavioural science researchers working in the field of cancer screening and early diagnosis. 

My team’s research aims to understand acceptability and uptake of cancer screening, including novel innovations like risk-stratification, self-sampling and the use of AI, and new technologies including the capsule sponge test for oesophageal cancer. We also have a strong focus on assessing the psychological impact of participation in screening and receiving different screening results. We use quantitative and qualitative methods. 

I am Deputy Director of the Cancer Prevention Trials Unit (Director: Prof Peter Sasieni), leading behavioural science activities associated with the trial portfolio.

I work closely with the NHS cancer screening programmes and am a member of the UK National Screening Committee’s Research and Methodology Group. 


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