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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Miss Karishma Bhuruth


Clinical Facilitator



I am a Clinical Facilitator at Queen Mary’s Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG), a multi-disciplinary research unit that uses primary care data from electronic health records across the North East London Integrated Care System – covering 2.2 million patients – to conduct research and build in-practice software to improve clinical practice.   

I joined the Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) in 2020 working alongside Clinical Commissioning Groups and Public Health teams to support GP practices in North East London to improve population health and clinical practice using data. I support practices to implement local and national incentive schemes as well as clinical improvement programmes using CEG data searches, templates and pop-up alerts.

Prior to that, I have worked in the NHS general practice for over five years as Assistant Practitioner and most recently, as GP Practice Manager. Having a clinical and managerial background has enabled me to bring real-world primary care experience to my role in CEG, enabling the team to implement clinical improvement programmes with a thorough understanding of how they will be applied. I have also studied Biomedical Sciences at King’s College London and Cancer and clinical oncology at Queen Mary’s Barts Cancer Institute.

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