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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Kawther Hashem, BSc MSc PhD RNutr (Public Health)


Lecturer in Public Health Nutrition, Head of Research and Impact for Action on Sugar, NIHR Advanced Fellow

Centre: Centre for Public Health & Policy



I am a Lecturer in Public Health Nutrition and lead the Public Health Nutrition module of the MSc and iBSc in Global Public Health and Policy. I also head the research and impact of our action on sugar workstream at the Research and Action on Salt and Obesity unit.

I have a BSc in Nutrition from King’s College London, a MSc in Food Policy from City University London and a PhD in Preventive Medicine focusing on sugar reduction from Queen Mary University of London. My PhD project and associated publications contributed to the impact case study for the REF2021.

My research background and interests focus on the impact of food and nutrition policies on food and drink product composition. Notable areas of interest include the effects of the Soft Drinks Industry Levy, the UK Government’s sugar and calorie reduction programmes, restrictions on promotions and advertising for high-fat, salt, and sugar foods and the use of nutrition claims and child-appealing packaging on products. I have experience in working across diverse sectors including the food industry, non-governmental organisations, and most recently academia.

I currently hold a prestigious NIHR Advanced Fellowship looking at the policies that led to food reformulation to reduce sugar in the top contributors to sugar intake in children in the UK. As part of the fellowship, I will be a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Food Policy at City University of London.

I am also a visiting lecturer on nutrition and food policy at several UK universities and I am regularly invited to comment on nutrition topics and food policy in the media.

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