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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Eleanor Keiller


Dramatherapist and Doctoral Researcher



I am a doctoral researcher, funded by Barts Charity, based at the Youth Resilience Unit. I am also drama psychotherapist by training and it is to this practice that my research relates.

Thus far in my PhD, I have explored the existing evidence on dramatherapy which is used with children and young people who have anxiety depression and trauma. The findings of this research led me to continue my research and to look specifically at dramatherapy which takes place in school settings. I have since developed a particular interest, and more recently some insight, regarding the active ingredients of the practice in this setting.

I am currently running a case series with dramatherapists and the children that they work with in primary schools, with the aim of developing a logic model for dramatherapy.

Alongside my research, I also offer small group teaching and have been a visiting lecturer on the MSc in Psychological Therapies and Creative Arts and Mental Health courses which are based here at Queen Mary. I also have a clinical background in both the NHS and education settings.

I am particularly passionate about growing the evidence-base of dramatherapy and believe in supporting other dramatherapists to conduct research on the practice. I am, therefore, an active member of the British Association of Dramatherapist’s Research Subcommittee and I offer training and support to others whilst in this role.

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