I am a post-doc researcher based in the Unit of Psychological Medicine in the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health. I have a background in psychology and mental health with experience working in secure forensic mental health settings, community mental health and the family court. I am a mixed methods researcher with interests in offender community reintegration, personality disorder and service/policy evaluation.
I was a LISS-DTP funded PhD student, evaluating specialist open prison services for males with personality disorder. I am currently a Data First Evaluation Fellow, seconded into the Ministry of Justice Data and Analysis team, exploring the feasibility of using linked administrative data to evaluate policy interventions across the criminal justice system. I am supervised by Professor Mark Freestone.
I currently teach and provide MSc Dissertation supervision on:
Research Interests:
- Open prisons – transitions in and out of the open prison, the impact of Release on Temporary License on offender community reintegration.
- Offender personality disorder pathway – progression through the pathway, predictors of engagement with the pathway, service evaluation.
- Policy interventions in the criminal justice system – understanding mechanisms of change, evaluating policy impact.
- Using mixed methods research to develop causal models of complex systems.
I am currently involved in two research projects as part of my post-doctoral fellowship exploring the feasibility of using linked administrative data to evaluate criminal justice policy interventions.
Mathlin, G., Freestone, M., & Jones, H. (2022). Factors associated with successful reintegration for male offenders: a systematic narrative review with implicit causal model. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-40.
Foote, I.F., Jacobs, B.M., Mathlin, G., Watson, C.J., Bothongo, P.L., Waters, S., Dobson, R., Noyce, A.J., Bhui, K.S., Korszun, A. and Marshall, C.R., (2022). The shared genetic architecture of modifiable risk for Alzheimer's disease: a genomic structural equation modelling study. Neurobiology of Aging, 117, pp.222-235.
Mathlin, G., Freestone, M., Taylor, C., & Shaw, J. (2021). Offenders with personality disorder who fail to progress: a case-control study using partial least squares structural equation modelling path analysis. JMIRx Med, 2(4), e27907.
Winstone, N. E., Mathlin, G., & Nash, R. A. (2019). Building feedback literacy: Students’ perceptions of the Developing Engagement with Feedback Toolkit. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 4, p. 39). Frontiers.