Dr Michael Naughton, MBChB MRCGP DFSRH PGCERT (Dist.) MSc, BMedSci (1st)

NIHR In-Practice Fellow
Email: m.naughton@qmul.ac.uk
I am a GP working in Tower Hamlets for Bromley by Bow Healthcare. I undertook my undergraduate medical training at the University of Sheffield and completed my training as GP Academic Clinical Fellow at King’s College London, in the department of population health sciences. I am interested in research that can be applied to clinical practice in primary care to improve the quality and appropriateness of prescribing, and to make our delivery of healthcare environmentally sustainable. I have previously worked as an academic fellow at UCL, and I am currently completing an MSc in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
I joined the Clinical Effectiveness Group in 2022 as a Clinical Lead, helping to deliver a programme to improve the health outcomes for patients with Severe Mental Illness. With the help and support of the department, I applied for and was awarded an NIHR In-Practice Fellowship. As part of my fellowship I am undertaking pharmacoepidemiology research with Professor Rohini Mathur. I am collaborating with academics at King's College London, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of Exeter, University of Bristol, and The Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.
I am also employed by NHS North East London Integrated Care Board as the Tower Hamlets Clinical Lead in Medicines Optimisation. As part of this role, I chair a sub-group on polypharmacy and over-prescribing.