Patricia is a global health inequalities researcher with an interest in research that ensures equitable health is accessible to everyone, regardless of their intersecting identities.
Patricia holds a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Manitoba (Canada) and MSc in Global Public Health and Policy from Queen Mary University of London. She is a researcher at Wolfson Institute of Population health and the research coordinator for the COVER-Me project, which is looking at co-designing a Patient Engagement Tool to improve vaccine uptake in East London.
Prior to joining QMUL, Patricia worked as a researcher at the Institute of Health and Social Care at London South Bank University, at Kenya Medical Research Institute and the University of Manitoba.
Research Interests:
My research interests engage three broad areas of inquiry:
- Barriers to accessing healthcare among minority ethnic and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups.
- Social determinants of mental health and the psychosocial impacts of epidemics/pandemics and NCDs.
- Development of culturally sensitive interventions to improve health communication and help-seeking behaviour for patients within African health systems.
Underserved Communities and Remote Kidney Care
Mixed methods research looking at the experiences of kidney patients using phone and video call methods to attend their appointments. I was the main researcher.
Tackling COVID vaccine hesitancy in underserved at-risk populations including persons with minority ethnicity (ME) backgrounds in East London: developing and evaluating community-based interventions. I am the project coordinator.
Ujiplus deworming porridge KEMRI
The aim was to boost the elimination of roundworms and hookworms in children. Ujiplus is a herbal formulation designed to be taken as a school meal snack for nutrition and deworming.
Patricia Tum MSc, Fez Awan, Jyoti Baharani MD, Emma Coyne ClinPsyD, Gavin Dreyer MD, Catriona Ewart MSc, Chipiliro Kalebe-Nyamomgo PhD, Udita Mitra MSc, Martin Wilkie MD, Nicola Thomas PhD. Getting the most out of remote care: Co-developing a Toolkit to improve the delivery of remote kidney care appointments for underserved groups. Journal of Renal Care. First published: 04 June 2024.
Tahreem Chaudhry, Patricia Tum, Dominik Zenner. A systematic review of factors that determine COVID-19 vaccine uptake amongst underserved populations considering social norms and health beliefs. European Respiratory Journal. 2023 62: PA367; DOI:10.1183/13993003.congress-2023.PA367