I am a Senior Lecturer in Statistics in the Centre for Evaluation and Methods. I work closely with colleagues in the Centre for Public Health and Policy on projects on smoking cessation and weight management. I am a Chartered Statistician with experience working in both academia and the Civil Service.
Over the years, I have acquired extensive experience of designing and analysing data from both individual and cluster randomised controlled trials. I am also proficient in analysing large datasets from cancer registries, GP records, national surveys, and data from longitudinal cohort studies. I support several clinical trial steering committees as statistician.
Alongside my primary role, I am a Deputy Statistics & Methodology Editor for Addiction and Scientific Advisor for the Medito Foundation.
Please click through to see a complete list of Francesca's publications.
Featured publications
Pesola, F., Rebolj, M., & Sasieni, P. (2023). Managing an extension of screening intervals: Avoiding boom and bust in health care workloads. Int J Cancer.
Pesola, F., Phillips-Waller, A., Przulj, D., Myers Smith, K., & Hajek, P. (2022). Can electronic cigarettes help pregnant smokers quit, and are they as safe to use in pregnancy as nicotine replacement treatments? Clin Transl Med, 12(9), e1064.
Offman, J., Pesola, F., Fitzgerald, R. C., Hamilton, W., & Sasieni, P. (2022). Impact of Barrett oesophagus diagnoses and endoscopies on oesophageal cancer survival in the UK: A cohort study. Cancer Med, 11(4), 1160-1171.
Hajek, P., Phillips-Waller, A., Przulj, D., Pesola, F., Myers Smith, K., Bisal, N., Li, J., Parrott, S., Sasieni, P., Dawkins, L., Ross, L., Goniewicz, M., Wu, Q., & McRobbie, H. J. (2019). A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy. N Engl J Med, 380(7), 629-637.
Clark, L. V., Pesola, F., Thomas, J. M., Vergara-Williamson, M., Beynon, M., & White, P. D. (2017). Guided graded exercise self-help plus specialist medical care versus specialist medical care alone for chronic fatigue syndrome (GETSET): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 390(10092), 363-373.