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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Professor Peter Sasieni


Professor of Cancer Epidemiology, Centre Co-Lead for the Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis



I am Professor of Cancer Epidemiology and joint lead of the Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis. I am also Director of the Cancer Research UK Cancer Prevention Trials Unit -at QMUL (CPTU). 

I have a background in mathematical statistics and epidemiology and have conducted cancer screening research and clinical trials for many years.

I am currently a lead (or co-lead) investigator on several large grants including: The NHS-Galleri trial of GRAIL’s multi-cancer early detection test in population screening; The CRUK-NIHR funded BEST4 platform studying the use of a Cytosponge in screening and surveillance of patients with heartburn; Two clinical trials funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research; and two Cancer Research UK programme grants.

I am a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and was awarded the 2023 Don Listwin Award for outstanding contribution to cancer early detection.

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