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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Ratna Sohanpal, BDS, Msc, DDPH, PhD


Health Services Researcher

Telephone: 07939296667


I am a dentist by background. My research career began following my post graduation in dental public health. I work as a health services researcher based in the Centre for Primary Care. My current studies involve using qualitative methods and mixed-methods to improve services and outcomes for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and increase opportunities for people from marginalised communities to take part in research.


I am leading on two NIHR SPCR studies:

  • Assessing and understanding the potential of assistive technology in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to support independence and wellbeing: A mixed-methods study.
  • Exploring the problem of INCLUSIVity and idEntifying solutions in REMOTE CARE delivery in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and multimorbidity (COPD&MM) from minoritised ethnic groups, their carers and professional interpreters (INCLUSIVE REMOTE CARE): a qualitative study.


I have recently completed: 

a NIHR SPCR funded study called REMO CARE which explored the potential opportunities and challenges in REMOte CARE for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

a NIHR CTU support funded study called INCLUDED (Promoting INCLUsivity through improving the practice anD utility of Ethnicity Data collection in trials). The aim of the INCLUDED study is to provide initial guidance for researchers to improve the collection of ethnicity data in UK clinical trials.

I have previously managed a NIHR-HTA funded multi-centre randomised controlled trial called TANDEM. TANDEM looked at whether a cognitive behavioural approach intervention delivered by trained respiratory health care professionals and linked with pulmonary rehabilitation improves anxiety and/or depression in moderate to severe patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

INCL. REMOTE CARE Patient pictorial invite and information sheet [DOC 1,509KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Patient study leaflet [DOC 235KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Patient information sheet [DOC 149KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Carer pictorial invite and information sheet [DOC 1,509KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Carer study leaflet [DOC 235KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Carer information sheet [DOC 149KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Pictorial consent form [DOC 531KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Informed consent patient and carer [DOC 46KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Interpreter Study leaflet [DOC 176KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Interpreter consent form [DOC 42KB]

INCL. REMOTE CARE Interpreter information sheet [DOC 177KB]

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