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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Rebekah Young, MB ChB, MRCP


Specialist Respiratory Registrar and MD(Res) student



I am a specialist Respiratory Registrar at Bart’s Health NHS Trust, currently working as the Interventional Fellow alongside the Lung Cancer team. I am undertaking research at the Wolfson Institute as an MD(Res) degree at QMUL, using qualitative research methods to communicate the experiences and perspectives of lung cancer patients utilising digital behavioural change interventions. I have previous experience in conducting a systematic review, looking at whether uniportal thoracoscopic surgery was less painful than multiport approaches post-operatively. I have previously designed and conducted a research project titled “Does the Clinical Frailty Scale predict functional decline: A prospective cohort study”. This aimed to identify whether the Clinical Frailty Scale is reproducible, and predicts functional decline and mortality in patients following discharge from hospital. I have further publications in the field of pleural disease and sleep disorders. 

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