I am an applied statistician and statistical programmer, with a wide range of research experience. This has been mainly medical, which is unsurprising, as I came to statistics from a genetics background. I work extensively on the analysis, management and validation of medical data. My analyses use a very broad range of methods, standard and non-standard, developing new methods when appropriate. I have written and distributed over 120 packages in the Stata statistical language, for implementing methods and also doing data management.
Outstanding publications:
Newson RB, Falcaro M. Robit regression in Stata. The Stata Journal 2023; 23(3): xxx-yyy. In press as of 12 September 2023.
Bottle A, Newson R, Faitna P, Hayhoe B, Cowie MR. Changes in heart failure management and long-term mortality over 10 years: observational study. Open Heart 2022; 9:e001888. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2021-001888
Bottle A, Newson R, Faitna P, Hayhoe B, Cowie MR. Risk prediction of mortality for patients with heart failure in England: observational study in primary care. ESC Heart Failure 2023; 10: 824-833.
Newson R. Confidence intervals for rank statistics: Percentile slopes, differences, and ratios. The Stata Journal 2006; 6(4): 497-520.
Newson R. Confidence intervals for rank statistics: Somers' D and extensions. The Stata Journal 2006; 6(3): 309-334.