I am a researcher at the Unit for Psychological Medicine in the Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health on the APPLE-Tree (Active Prevention in People at risk of dementia through Lifestyle, bEhaviour change and Technology to build REsiliEnce) project, as well as part of the DeNPRU-QM team.
I joined the Unit as a student on MSc Mental Health Psychological Therapies in 2021. Previously I have been a research assistant on the END-ITCH (Eczema aNd Dermatitis: Implementing The Combined approach) project within the Centre for Primary Care.
Arora S. (2021). Pain That Lasts: A Study on Social Anxiety, Self-Critical Rumination, Psychological Distress & Peer Support Among Bullied Young Adults. International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9(3), 1025-1035.,
Saini, R., Arora, S., Jha, E., Kumar, N. (2021). A qualitative exploration of socio-psychological factors and social media influence on health protective behaviours during covid-19 pandemic among Indian young adults. International Journal of Current Research, 13, (10), 19196-19201.