Shama’s work at the Cancer Prevention Group as a statistician includes a range of different projects including:
- Estimating the association between PSA testing (classified as probable screening) in asymptomatic men and mortality from prostate cancer in a case- control study.
- Age40 breast cancer trial.
- Risk-stratified faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch Syndrome: An emergency clinical service adopted throughout England in response to the COVID-19 pandemic paper.
- Analysis of cervical screening guidelines.
- FINESS trial.
- Analysing data for the International Cancer Bench Marking Project SURVMARK-2
She previously worked for Thames Cancer Registry as an Information Analyst/Researcher. After Thames Cancer Registry was incorporated into Public Health England, Shama joined the London Knowledge and Intelligence Team. Her role was to manage projects on the national lung cancer and mesothelioma work programme, collaborate with clinical colleagues and analyse population-based datasets using various statistical methods and models.
Prior to joining Thames Cancer Registry, she completed an MSc in Medical Statistics at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Lincoln AG, Benton SC, Piggott C, Sheikh SR, Beggs AD, Buckley L, DeSouza B, East JE et al. ( 2023 ) .
Risk-stratified faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) for urgent colonoscopy in Lynch syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic . BJS Open vol. 7 , ( 5 )
Duffy S, Vulkan D, Cuckle H, Parmar D, Sheikh S, Smith R, Evans A, Blyuss O et al. ( 2020 ) .
Annual mammographic screening to reduce breast cancer mortality in women from age 40 years: long-term follow-up of the UK Age RCT . Health Technology Assessment vol. 24 , ( 55 ) 1 - 24 .
Castanon A, Sheikh S, Pearmain P, Sasieni P ( 2020 ) .
Impact of changes to cervical screening guidelines on age and interval at which women are tested: Population-based study . Journal of Medical Screening vol. 28 , ( 3 ) 325 - 332 .
Duffy SW, Vulkan D, Cuckle H, Parmar D, Sheikh S, Smith RA, Evans A, Blyuss O et al. ( 2020 ) .
Effect of mammographic screening from age 40 years on breast cancer mortality (UK Age trial): final results of a randomised, controlled trial . The Lancet Oncology vol. 21 , ( 9 ) 1165 - 1172 .
Sheikh S, Sasieni P ( 2018 ) .
When should the errors in the UK's breast screening programme have been spotted? . The Lancet vol. 391 , ( 10137 ) 2319 - 2320 .
Møller H, Riaz SP, Holmberg L, Jakobsen E, Lagergren J, Page R, Peake MD, Pearce N et al. ( 2016 ) .
High lung cancer surgical procedure volume is associated with shorter length of stay and lower risks of re-admission and death: National cohort analysis in England . European Journal of Cancer vol. 64 , 32 - 43 .
Coupland VH, Konfortion J, Jack RH, Allum W, Kocher HM, Riaz SP, Lüchtenborg M, Møller H ( 2015 ) .
Resection rate, hospital procedure volume and survival in pancreatic cancer patients in England: Population-based study, 2005–2009 . European Journal of Surgical Oncology vol. 42 , ( 2 ) 190 - 196 .
Lüchtenborg M, Riaz SP, Jack RH, Peake MD, Lind MJ, Møller H ( 2015 ) .
64PD Effect of Comorbidity on Surgery and Survival Among Lung Cancer Patients in England . Annals of Oncology vol. 26 ,
Lüchtenborg M, Riaz SP, Lim E, Page R, Baldwin DR, Jakobsen E, Vedsted P, Lind MJ et al. ( 2014 ) .
187 Survival of small cell lung cancer patients undergoing lung resection in England 1998-2009 . Lung Cancer vol. 83 ,
Lüchtenborg M, Riaz SP, Lim E, Page R, Baldwin DR, Jakobsen E, Vedsted P, Lind M et al. ( 2013 ) .
Survival of patients with small cell lung cancer undergoing lung resection in England, 1998–2009 . Thorax vol. 69 , ( 3 )
Riaz SP, Linklater KM, Page R, Peake MD, Møller H, Lüchtenborg M ( 2012 ) .
Recent trends in resection rates among non-small cell lung cancer patients in England . Thorax vol. 67 , ( 9 )
Riaz SP, Coupland VH, Lüchtenborg M, Peake MD, Møller H ( 2012 ) .
Mesothelioma incidence projections in South East England . European Respiratory Journal vol. 40 , ( 4 ) 965 - 968 .
Riaz SP, Horton M, Kang J, Mak V, Lüchtenborg M, Møller H ( 2011 ) .
Lung Cancer Incidence and Survival in England: An Analysis by Socioeconomic Deprivation and Urbanization . Journal of Thoracic Oncology vol. 6 , ( 12 ) 2005 - 2010 .
Riaz SP, Lüchtenborg M, Coupland VH, Spicer J, Peake MD, Møller H ( 2011 ) .
Trends in incidence of small cell lung cancer and all lung cancer . Lung Cancer vol. 75 , ( 3 ) 280 - 284 .
Riaz SP, Lüchtenborg M, Jack RH, Coupland VH, Linklater KM, Peake MD, Møller H ( 2011 ) .
Variation in surgical resection for lung cancer in relation to survival: Population-based study in England 2004–2006 . European Journal of Cancer vol. 48 , ( 1 ) 54 - 60 .
Møller H, Richards S, Hanchett N, Riaz SP, Lüchtenborg M, Holmberg L, Robinson D ( 2011 ) .
Completeness of case ascertainment and survival time error in English cancer registries: impact on 1-year survival estimates . British Journal of Cancer vol. 105 , ( 1 ) 170 - 176 .