Having achieved an assortment of degrees in Forensic Science, Osteoarchaeology and Epidemiology, I spent 3 years working on public health studies before moving to Queen Mary University of London. Here I spent 5 years coordinating and managing feasibility and large-scale randomised trials in women’s health and pain management.
At the Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit I developed as Senior Trials Manager providing trial management support for a portfolio of trials and programmes for two years, in areas including mental health and primary care.
Research Interests:
Complex interventions in the NHS and the management of trials.
G, Forbes. S, Newton. C, Cantalapiedra. J, Birch. J, Dodds. L, Steed. C, Rivas. K, Khan. F, Rohricht. S, Taylor. BC, Kahan. E, Ball. MEMPHIS: a smartphone app using psychological approaches for women with chronic pelvic pain presenting to gynaecology clinics: a randomised feasibility trial. 2020. BMJ
J, Allotey. A, Matei. S, Husain. S, Newton. JP, Dodds. AB, Armson. KS, Khan. JP, Vogel.Research prioritization of interventions for the primary prevention of preterm birth: An international survey. 2019. EJOG
E, Ball. S, Newton. BC, Kahan. G, Forbes. N, Wright. C, Cantalapiedra Calvete. HAL, Gibson. E, Rogozinska. C, Rivas. SJC Taylor. J, Birch. JP, Dodds. Smartphone App Using Mindfulness Meditation for Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain (MEMPHIS): Protocol for a Randomized Feasibility Trial. 2018. JMIR
S, Thangaratinam. N, Marlin. S, Newton. A, Weckesser. M, Bagary. L, Greenhill. R, Rikunenko. M, D’Amico. E, Rogozinska. A, Kelso. K, Hard. JJ, Coleman. N, Moss. T, Roberts. L, Middleton. JP, Dodds. A, Pullen. S, Eldridge. A, Pirie. E, Denny. D, McCorry. KS, Khan. AntiEpileptic drug Monitoring in PREgnancy (EMPiRE): a double-blind randomised trial on effectiveness and acceptability of monitoring strategies. 2018. HTA
CM, Nightingale. AR Rudnicka. CG, Owen. SL, Newton. JL, Bales. AS, Donin. CM, McKay. PJ, Steer. DA, Lawlor. N, Sattar. DG, Cook. PH, Whincup. Birthweight and risk markers for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in childhood: the Child Heart and Health study in England (CHASE). 2014. Diabetologia.
CM, Nightingale. AR Rudnicka. CG, Owen. SL, Newton. JL, Bales. CM, McKay. PJ, Steer. DA, Lawlor. N, Sattar. DG, Cook. PH, Whincup. OP80 Birth weight and emerging type 2 diabetes risk in UK children of South Asian, Black African-Caribbean and white European origin – Child Heart and Health study in England (CHASE) 2014. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
CM, Nightingale. AR Rudnicka. CG, Owen. AS, Donin. SL, Newton. CA, Furness. EL, Howard. RD, Gillings. JCK, Wells. DG, Cook. PH, Whincup. Are Ethnic and Gender Specific Equations Needed to Derive Fat Free Mass from Bioelectrical Impedance in Children of South Asian, Black African-Caribbean and White European Origin? Results of the Assessment of Body Composition in Children Study. 2013. PLOS one